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Showing posts from April, 2018

#4 Unethical Practices followed by Denis and Semmelweis

After going through the text, we realized all the troubles and hardship that Denis and Semmelweis had to overcome. Though they had different way of gathering a information. And on their way to gather information, they made lots of ethical breaches and followed unethical research practice. Animal poaching in Africa. Armand Denis indirectly supported animal hunting and poaching. No animals should be hurt during a research . Armand Denis also bribed to collect information. There are two instances where Armand Denis bribed people. He promised Pigneys with Tobacco in order to get information and to convince them to help him in his hunt of elephant king. Also in order to get the skull of that elephant, which was supposed to have four tusks, he had to promise the "African" guy with stuffs like Flash light and other things. On the other hand, Semmelweis treated pregnant women as test subjects. He subjected healthy women for his experimental verification. He was trying to

#3 Armand Denis and Ignaz Semmelweis. Differences? Similarities?

Armand Denis After going through the text, let us compare the research process followed by the researchers Armand Denis and Ignaz Semmelweis. Both Armand Denis and Ignaz Semmelweis were interested in a particular topic. They followed a hunch and got engaged in a field that were of their interest, through ups and downs, failure and most importantly, coincidences. Armand Denis started with an assumption about the existence of  the four-tusked elephant, asked about it to the Pigmeys, bribing them for information. He asked people to help him to verify the existence of the four-tusked elephant but wasn't completely prove his hypothesis. While on the other hand, Semmelweis started by observing the death of women in labor, read the medical documentations, examined if there were any trends, conducted experiments to reach the concrete conclusion. Both Armand Denis and Ignaz Semmelweis sought for the helping hands in their way of reaching the concrete hypothesis. Semmelweis was

#2 Difficulties faced by Armand Denis during his search for The Four-Tusked Elephant.

Four-Tusked Elephant's tusks found by Armand Denis During the search for the four-tusked elephant, Armand Denis had to overcome several difficulties. After he heard about the four-tusked elephant, no one was willing to help him search the four-tusked elephant. Every time he talked about the existence of the four-tusked elephant, people laughed at him, made fun of his idea. Though he managed to gather some for people and formed search party and searched for the four-tusked elephant, he had to return empty handed. He came across lots of hardship. After a year or so, he happened to meet some Finish people and overheard them talking about the four-tusked elephant. It gave him a light of hope and asked them about the four tusked elephant. But things were not on his side. After after overhearing about the four tusked elephant form the Finish people, he had to meet the "African" guy who was supposed to know about the whereabouts of the Four-Tusked Elephant. He