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#10 Identify elements of Toulmin's model in Russel's essay 'Keeping Errors at Bay'.

Arguments often make their way to essays and writings in order to  give emphasis on an idea or to clarify certain meaning. Toulmin's model has been used in Russel's essay to throw light on the nature of commitment and prevention of error. Each element of Toulmin's model has been deployed to convey the message that error can be prevented by simple consciousness on our daily attitude,dogmatism and behavior. 

The writer explicitly states that No superhuman genius is required to avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind are prone. This is the claim of the essay.  But the writer is cautious in limiting the scope of his argument to avoid possible oppositions. He has used qualifiers to make this essay seem more conceivable and grounded. He writes that a few simple rules will keep us, not from all but from silly errors. Here, a few, simple and not from all are used as qualifiers.

According to the essay, avoiding  prejudices and dogmatism is one simple rule to prevent errors. The next rule is to be wary of opinions that flatter our self esteem. Also prevention of error can be done by reducing our fear . These are presented as the evidences to the claim.

The writer points out our weakness in thinking that we know about something when in fact we don't. This prevents us from making an observation to find out the reality. We should also become aware of opinions held in circles different from your own. One can use his psychological imagination to imagine an argument with a person having different bias. All of us are in one way or other firmly convinced of the superior excellence of sex, religion, country, culture or race that we belong to. Getting rid of such conviction is next step to prevent errors.These are the backings given to evidences.

If an opinion contrary to our own makes us angry then it is time for us to reconsider whether our belief is going beyond what evidence warrants. And becoming aware of foreign customs doesn't always have beneficial effect. These two statements are presented as rebuttal in the given essay.

Hence, 'Keeping Errors at bay' is a perspective essay that uses the elements of Toulmin's model to convey its message.


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