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#8 Discuss any five themes presented in Anton Chekhov's Swan song.

Anton Chekhov

Themes are the messages to take home after reading any text. They connect  plot and character to  make a piece of text meaningful. Swan song also consists of themes regarding various aspects of emotions, life lessons and reminiscence. The major five themes that I found intriguing are discussed below:

1. The effect of old age and fear of end

 Svetlovidov is an old man with no one to call his family. He is weak and tired. He wants to be nourished and cared but there is no one he can turn to .The effect of old age is that it has diminished his abilities and strength to perform on the stage. Loneliness has made him to feel like he is abandoned by God himself. It is normal for such person to remember and regret his past activities and fear the end that is coming.

2. Influence of society on psychology of  a person

 The contemporary society of Russia is clearly presented in this drama including its social acceptance, values and viewpoint of its people. Art and acting were considered divine form of creativity and respected in the same way but artists were not given the worth they deserved. They were only thought of as a medium to display the act. The influence of such discriminating attitude of society had profound impact on psychology of the people. Even Svetlovidov's lover denied to marry him if he didn't change his career.

3. Change of attitude towards life

Change is an ongoing process. We all keep on changing throughout our lives. Those changes are marked by physical changes like growth and development and mental changes like the change of attitude and behavior. Some circumstances play more important role in mental changes. In the case of Svetlovidov, old age and fear of death changed the way he viewed his life. At the end of drama he realizes that he is no longer the same capable person he once used to be. The acceptance of the fact that his swan song had been sung changed his attitude towards life and helped him to move on.

4. Universal feeling of love and affection

    Even Svetlovidov wasn't spared from the feelings of love and affection that brought many consequences on  his mentality. He later found out that his lover only loved him for his wonderful performances but wasn't ready to accept him as an actor. He used to view himself as an accomplished person and that changed when he was rejected. He felt lonely and devastated. He remained unmarried throughout his life. But even at the onset of ending in his life, he remembered his lover with same affection and passion with poetic verses. This proves that some feelings are universal and lasts for a lifetime.

 5. Understanding and compassion

     Svetlovidov was a total wreck when Ivanich found him on the stage. He was delivering an endless monologue filled with lamentation and regret. If Nikita hadn't been there for him he most probably would have spent that night in the same state. But Nikita became the medium through which he could get rid of negative feelings. Nikita showed reverence and utmost compassion towards Svetlovidov and listened to his story. He even acted parts of Shakespeare's play to please Svetlovidov. The understanding and affection of Nikita helped Svetlovidov to cope with his situation. A simple gesture of compassion can create miracles to change the attitude of a person.

Hence, these are the major five themes that is evident through the story and characters presented in Anton Chekhov's Swan song.

Image Source: Internet


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